Climbing Olympics 2024 A New Era for the Sport - Liam Geikie

Climbing Olympics 2024 A New Era for the Sport

Climbing in the Olympics

Climbing olympics 2024
Climbing’s inclusion in the Olympic Games is a relatively recent development, marking a significant milestone for the sport. It debuted at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, attracting global attention and showcasing the athleticism and skill required to conquer vertical challenges.

Disciplines of Climbing

Climbing in the Olympics encompasses three distinct disciplines: lead climbing, bouldering, and speed climbing. Each discipline presents unique challenges and requires different skillsets, providing a diverse and exciting competition format.

Lead Climbing

Lead climbing is a test of endurance, technique, and mental fortitude. Climbers ascend a tall wall, typically 15 meters high, using ropes and quickdraws for safety. The challenge lies in finding the most efficient and strategic route, often involving complex moves and demanding physical exertion.


Bouldering is a dynamic and explosive discipline, focusing on power and agility. Climbers tackle short, challenging routes on low walls, typically 4-5 meters high, without ropes. The focus is on intricate sequences of moves, requiring precise footwork, body tension, and creative problem-solving.

Speed Climbing

Speed climbing is a thrilling test of pure speed and agility. Climbers race against the clock, ascending a 15-meter wall as quickly as possible. The route is standardized, emphasizing explosive power, rapid transitions, and efficient movement.

Scoring System

The scoring system in Olympic climbing combines the results from all three disciplines. Athletes are ranked based on their overall performance, with points awarded based on their position in each discipline.

Lead Climbing

In lead climbing, climbers receive points based on their highest reached hold. The climber who reaches the highest hold within the allocated time receives the most points.


In bouldering, climbers attempt a series of four different problems. Each problem is graded based on its difficulty, and climbers earn points for completing the problem.

Speed Climbing

In speed climbing, the climber with the fastest time receives the most points. If two climbers finish at the same time, the climber who started the climb first is awarded the win.

The 2024 Paris Olympics: Climbing Olympics 2024

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The 2024 Paris Olympics will be a landmark event, with climbing making its second appearance on the world’s biggest sporting stage. Climbing’s inclusion in the Games is a testament to the sport’s growing popularity and the athleticism it demands. The competition in Paris promises to be even more exciting than the debut in Tokyo, with athletes pushing the boundaries of the sport and showcasing their incredible skills.

Climbing Competition Format in Paris

The climbing competition in Paris will follow the same combined format as in Tokyo, featuring three disciplines: lead climbing, bouldering, and speed climbing. This format requires athletes to excel in all three disciplines to succeed.

Qualifying Rounds

The qualifying rounds will be held over two days, with athletes competing in all three disciplines. The top 20 athletes in each discipline will advance to the finals.


The finals will be held on a single day, with the top 20 athletes from each discipline competing in a combined format. The athletes’ scores from all three disciplines will be combined to determine the overall winner.

Key Athletes to Watch, Climbing olympics 2024

The 2024 Paris Olympics will feature some of the world’s best climbers, making it a thrilling competition.

Lead Climbing

  • Janja Garnbret (Slovenia): Garnbret is the current world champion in lead climbing and is considered the dominant force in the sport. She is known for her exceptional technical skills and her ability to climb routes with seemingly impossible difficulty.
  • Adam Ondra (Czech Republic): Ondra is a climbing legend and the first climber to achieve a 9c grade in lead climbing. He is known for his powerful climbing style and his ability to push the limits of the sport.
  • Alberto Ginés López (Spain): Ginés López is the reigning Olympic champion in combined climbing, having won gold in Tokyo. He is a versatile climber who excels in all three disciplines.


  • Janja Garnbret (Slovenia): Garnbret is also the dominant force in bouldering, having won multiple world championships in the discipline. She is known for her incredible power and her ability to solve complex boulder problems.
  • Brooke Raboutou (USA): Raboutou is a rising star in bouldering and has already achieved significant success at the international level. She is known for her dynamic climbing style and her ability to climb high-difficulty boulders.
  • Tomoa Narasaki (Japan): Narasaki is a veteran of the bouldering scene and has consistently been among the top climbers in the world. He is known for his precise movements and his ability to climb technical boulders.

Speed Climbing

  • Aleksandra Mirosław (Poland): Mirosław is the current world champion in speed climbing and is considered the fastest climber in the world. She is known for her lightning-fast ascents and her ability to maintain her speed throughout the climb.
  • Anouck Jaubert (France): Jaubert is a rising star in speed climbing and has already achieved significant success at the international level. She is known for her explosive starts and her ability to climb quickly and efficiently.
  • Kiromal Katibin (Indonesia): Katibin is a veteran of the speed climbing scene and has consistently been among the top climbers in the world. He is known for his smooth climbing style and his ability to maintain his speed throughout the climb.

Climbing Events Schedule

The climbing competition will be held over four days, with the qualifying rounds taking place on the first two days and the finals on the last two days.

Date Event
August 6, 2024 Lead Climbing Qualifying Rounds
August 7, 2024 Bouldering Qualifying Rounds
August 8, 2024 Speed Climbing Qualifying Rounds
August 9, 2024 Combined Climbing Finals

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